At each Texas Music Teachers' Association Annual Convention,
all Moore Music Studio students in or above the 7th grade
serve a minimum of four hours as Convention Pages,
and earn another point toward their Senior Scholarship monies.
Each year all Moore Music Studio students participate in
a Christmas Service Project, a Spring Service Project, and a Summer Service Project,
where we perform for nursing homes on a Sunday afternoon in Tyler, Texas.
On December 13, members of Moore Music Ed Studio, the Chinese Ladies Dance Team,
and piano student Debbie Harmon with Callie Rose, her Therapet,
went to Park Place Rehabilitation Center to entertain the residents.
The photos below were provided by Michael Harmon, Debbie's husband.
Gloria Jean Peterson Jones performing The Wayward Wind
by Stanley Lebowsky & Herb Newman
Enzo Terrell and Glenda Moore performing Deck the Halls
duet arrangement by Robert Vandall
Jessica Torres performing Nouvelle Etude
by Edwin McLain
Ying Zhou performing Moonlight Sonata, 2nd Movement
by Ludwig van Beethoven
Fran Ayers performing The First Noel for Left Hand Alone
arranged by John Thompson
Debbie Harmon arriving with Callie Rose, the Therapet
Debbie Harmon, Callie Rose, and Park Place Residents
The beautiful fans used in one of the dances by the Chinese Ladies Dance Team
Happy Hands
Thanks to all Moore Music Studio Families who were able to participate in the Christmas 2012 Service Project at Atria Willow Brook Independent and Assisted Living Nursing Home on Sunday, December 9. The residents enjoyed so very much our being there and playing piano for them. They were very supportive and encouraging of all the performers, and repeatedly asked us to continue playing and repeat a piece we had played. We even had a song-request that we were glad to be able to fulfill.
Some of us showed up as early as about 2:30 and began playing, some came in and out as they had to move on to their churches' activities, and some stayed until 5:00 when we played as the residents were on their way to eat their supper. So, it was truly a full afternoon of sharing our piano talents playing beautiful music for others. Performers brought their current and older music scores to play from as well as Christmas music we learned both this year and last year, and some played from memory--it was all very well done & very well received. Beautifully decorated Christmas trees were in all three areas where we played piano, and helped to make the day a truly festive one.
The afternoon was not without moments of unanticipated excitement: about 4:15, when we were on the assisted living side, the fire alarm went off probably because the popcorn machine overheated, so we enjoyed the smell of popcorn as everyone was escorted outside the building to chat a few minutes before being ushered back into the building to continue our afternoon of entertainment.
Thank you, again, to all who were able to go to Atria yesterday: I know it was as much of a blessing for your own lives as it was for the residents.
As always, thank you for your business and may good music carry you through your day,
Glenda Moore