B.A. Degree, North Texas State University, Denton, TX and New College of California, San Francisco, CA; M.A. Degree, San Jose State University, San Jose, CA; Doctoral study at University of North Texas, Denton, TX, in Inter-disciplinary Medieval Studies:  Music, Art, Philosophy.  Former conservatory professor, college professor, and university lecturer; private studio is currently located in Tyler Piano Academy of Music, which is an affiliate of Tyler Piano Co.  Taught in International Baccalaureate Program in Electronic Music at San Jose High Academy; music history, music theory, composition, individual piano, & class piano at Silicon Valley Youth Conservatory, San Jose State University, De Anza College in San Jose, CA, and Tyler Junior College in Tyler, Texas; colloquium at Southern Oregon University, Ashland, OR; maintained private piano studio (Moore Music Education Studio).  Assistant to Dr. Hal Peterson's Music Technology Seminars for Elementary and Secondary Teachers, San Jose, CA.

Adjudicator for National Guild of Piano Teachers and various regional and national piano and vocal festivals and competitions.  Contributor of articles and service on editorial boards of various publications including NTSU Music Theory Journal, Southwest Journal of Musicology, and Twentieth Century Conductors (in press, Greenwood Publishing).

Served on various college and university committees, and as faculty sponsor of De Anza College Student Music Association.  Served on various boards of directors including Silicon Valley Youth Conservatory.  Recipient of various scholarships, grants, and awards for academics, teaching, and community service, including 1970 Outstanding Teenager of Alabama, 1986 Outstanding Young Women of America, 1990-1992 Who's Who Among American Law Students, 1992-1993 Who's Who Among Young American Professionals, 2000 Willow Glen Branch-San Jose Public Library Volunteer Appreciation Award, 2009 ETMTA Pre-Collegiate Teacher Award.

Music Teachers National Association and affiliates, National Guild of Piano Teachers, American Musicological Society, International Musicological Society, National Association of Scholars, Mu Phi Epsilon Professional Music Fraternity, Gamma Beta Phi Honor Society, Blue Key Honor Society, Golden Key Honor Society.

Winner of various piano solo and chamber music competitions throughout the United States.  Debut with Montgomery Youth Symphony at age 14.  Performed as resident pianist and harpsichordist with The Vestavia Quintet, Irving Chamber Orchestra, and San Jose Collegium Musicum.  Guest artist with chamber music ensembles in the United States and South America.  Live performances and interview with San Jose Collegium Musicum on radio stations KSJS in San Jose, California, and KKUP in Cupertino, California.  Specialist in early keyboard instruments and performance of Medieval, Renaissance, Romantic, and Contemporary Music.  Studied piano with Alfred Ambrose (Juilliard graduate), Helen Boykin (Juilliard graduate), Berthe Odnoposoff (North Texas State University), and Jack Rogers (North Texas State University).  Studied harpsichord with Lenora McCroskey (North Texas State University).

     Service Project Committee Chair
     Publication Committee Chair
     Website Chair

     Digital Keyboard Orchestra Committee Chair

Moore Music Education Studio (located in Tyler Piano Academy of Music, which is an affiliate of Tyler Piano Co.) is in session from September through July, and is closed the month of August.  All students have one one-hour private lesson per week, and one of the three group lessons each month (one specifically designed for beginners, one specifically designed for intermediate and advanced, and one specifically designed for adults).  In group lessons we perform our repertoire, learn performance etiquette, and also study music history and music theory.  There are two recitals each year:  a Holiday Recital in December, and a Spring Recital and Awards Presentation in May, where the students are also presented with their ribbons, pins, certificates, medals, and trophies they have earned during the year.  Following each recital is a reception; all students are taught how to handle themselves at receptions also.  After the Spring Recital, we immediately begin working on our goals for the coming year.

Some of my music students are intending to make music a career, and some are not.  I also teach college-prep for music majors including keyboard skills for vocal majors, music composition, piano competition and performance, gifted and talented music students, and gifted and talented music students with learning disabilities.

I have had students win and place in various local, regional, national, and international competitions, and receive full music-scholarships from colleges and universities.  Depending on each student's level and career-path, my students participate in, and have won or placed in one or more of the following:  ETMTA Fall Festival, ETMTA Achievement Auditions, TMTA Theory Examination, TMTA World of Music Examination, TMTA Chamber Music Competition, TMTA Chamber Music Clinic, TMTA Publication Competition, TMTA Composition Competition, MTNA Composition Competition, TMTA Ensembles, TMTA Convention Projects, TMTA Keyboard Orchestra, National Guild of Piano Teachers Auditions, UTT Piano Skills Festival, Stephen F. Austin University's East Texas Piano Competition, Kilgore College Concerto Competition, Kilgore College Bach Festival, Robert Avalon Competition for Composers, Lynn Harrell Concerto Competition in Dallas, Houston Concerto Competition, Manchester International Concerto Competition in England, and many other regional, national, and international competitions.